Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Have you had your flu shot yet?

'Tis the season for the annual flu shot debate. I must say, a few years back, I was a non-believer. I was relatively healthy and not at risk for getting the influenza virus. I didn’t see the point in adding ‘chemicals’ to my system that I didn’t need. I had a colleague put it to me straight. "It isn't about you", she said "it’s about our patients". Shortly thereafter, the light bulb illuminated above my head. My 'ah ha' moment came when I reflected upon the group of patients in my care. By getting the flu shot, I would be protecting the elderly and the immunocomprimised. That fall, off I trudged to the clinic to get my vaccination. In addition to getting my shot every year, I was committed to becoming a super hand washer! According to Health Canada, regular hand washing is another way to help minimize risk and spread of infection. So...wash up and get a shot—there is so much at risk!
For more information, visit http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/diseases-maladies/flu-grippe-eng.php


olga said...

Maggie, I have do disagree with you regarding flu shot. However, I have the same opinion about hand washing. If I get a flu shot I will be sick all winter non stop. Moreover, there is a lot of controversy about shot, some researchers say that flu is mutating faster than vaccine produced .But anyway, if you got it, I guess better be safe than sorry.

K_Katya said...

Hi, I did my Flu Shot. I think that better be safe than sorry.
Who knows, may be it will help? may be not. But like some self calming and to please our manager it is working good.
Take care.

Mandy said...

I've decided that if I'm at work when they are going around giving the flu shot, I will get one. I'm sort of leaving it up to fate- and hoping I don't "have" to get one. They HURT!

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